Thursday, October 28, 2010

Techknincalodgically Stupid...

There's one thing that causes me to lose respect for someone more than anything and that is poor grammar/vocabulary/spelling skills.

Unfortunately for Bossman, he lacks refinement in all 3 of these areas.  This has only one outcome: my complete and utter lack of respect for him. 

It's horrible, right?  He's my superior, he deserves  demands respect because of his title.  Well, I'm one of those that believe a person should earn respect, title or no title.  Certain qualities must be proven in order to gain respect from those beneath you. 

When working with Bossman I am often reminded of Dan Quayle and the potato debacle.  Bossman is continually correcting spelling of words already spelled correctly.  If I correct his so-called correction, he corrects the correction of his correction and we end up spelling it wrong twice over in the end. 

Recently, I was handed a report that needed the correction of a typo made.  In red ink at the top of the report was written the following:  (actual scan of report... yes, I saved it because it was THAT GOOD.)


What. the. heck.

At first sight, I yelped... an unsuccessful attempt to restrain the laughter billowing up inside my gut.  Luckily, Bossman had walked away right after handing me the report.

I couldn't keep this to myself. Hecks no!  I jumped up on my 4 1/2 inch stilettos with report in hand and ran to reception so someone else could share in the euphoria of basking in someone else's mistakes that I was experiencing at that moment. 

After spreading the love, I stuffed his doodled-on report in my purse to archive in the Bossman is a Ding Dong file I keep at the homestead.

I completed the revisions he asked for, omitting his spelling correction, of course, and laid the completed version on his desk.  Minutes later the report was back on my desk, scribbled on again in red ink, with the same exact correction to be made.  So, I made the correction and gave it back to him.  Again.  But, this time I actually typed in "Techknoledgy".

Later that afternoon, with a puzzled expression, Bossman was back at my desk with the report in his hand.  This stupid report, back and forth, back and forth, over one word that I was pretty sure, up until that point, was a pretty common word to know how to spell.  I guess the word "common" is relative, though, subjective. 

Bossman - "I'm thinking 'techknoledgy' is spelled wrong."
Punching Bag - "Really?"
Bossman - "Yeah, you should have used spellcheck before printing this out."
Punching Bag - **silence**  Cue inner monologue, "Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?  I gave you the correct spelling and you un-corrected it!  Remember, you hired me because you're too stupid to do this stuff yourself.  But, I guess you're too stupid to remember that."
Bossman - "Can you spellcheck this right now?  I don't know why, but it doesn't look right."

I turn around to face my computer and open a Word document accompanied by the biggest eye roll in the history of eye rolls.  (He only saw the back of my head.)

I type: techknoledgy.
Word gives the red squiggly line indicating definite folly.
Bossman - "What does that thing mean?"
Punching Bag - "It means it's spelled wrong."
I right click, select the correct spelling.  Technology.
Bossman - "Wow, I can't believe we spelled it THAT wrong!"

By this time I was fed up with the association of stupidity he was giving me with himself and out of my mouth flew, "Uh, WE didn't spell it wrong, you did that all on your own." 

Then I felt guilty, mean, rude.
So I followed it with, "But that's a really hard word to spell, I can totally see how someone would get confused and think there's a 'd' in there.  I mean, the word EDGY has a 'd' in it."

Bossman, "Exactly!"  And he walked away.


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